Data Analysis with Python

I decided to dedicate this page to some useful tutorials about analysis, manipulation, and visualisation of data in the tabular form using Pandas, Numpy, and Matplotlib libraries of Python programming language. Now that I am sending this post the world is going through a massive crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and that is where the data analysis and machine learning predicting algorithms come to play and show its significance. Therefore, in order to go along with the current vibe, I am going to use some open source datasets for each presented example which covers different aspect of statistics regarding the pandemic. I use Jupyter Notebook for the code development as it provides an interactive environment  and presents the tabular data in an organised and unique way. Before installing Jupyter notebook, the Anaconda distribution package of Python is better to be installed to remove the need of installing each library separately.

As the first step, the Pandas library needs to be imported by writing
import pandas as pd
Then, the ”read_csv” function is called from the ”pandas” library. The CSV file can be download from covid_19 which is also available on Note that the fucntion’s attribution is for when the excel file is located at the same directory as the source file otherwise the directory needs to be specified. The information regarding other attribution that ”read_csv” function can take can be found on pandas.read_csv.
data = pd.read_csv('covid_19.csv')
by loading the dataset,
we should be able to see our data variable in the form of dataframe as follows:

Now let’s see which countries are listed in this dataframe. To do that one just needs to choose ”countriesAndTerritories” columns and use the ”unique” method on it to get the name of last ten countries in the form of a list:


then if we assign the above expression to a variable cou and get the length of it by passing it through the ”len()” function, we get to the number of listed country in the dataframe:

cou = data['countriesAndTerritories'].unique()

then if we assign the above expression to a variable cou and get the length of it by passing it through the ”len()” function, we get to the number of listed country in the dataframe:

cou = data['countriesAndTerritories'].unique()

Now to rank countries based on number of fatalities the dataframe needs to be groupedby based on column ”countriesAndTerritories” and use the ”sum” method to get the total numbers since the begining of pandemic.

In order to sort out countries in a descending order, ”sort_values” method is used along with two attributions. First one (by) takes the name of column we would like to sort the values based on and second attribution ”ascending=False” sorts them in a descending order since the default value is True and without typing it, it sorts the values out in an ascending one.

The ”countriesAndTerritories ” seems to be a long name for the column we are going to use its information many times so it seems reasonable to rename it to a shorter name such as ”countries” by applying ”rename” method on the dataframe as follows:


note that the rename method took two attributions namely ”columns” and ”inplace”. A dictionary is passed for the first one contaning old and new names of the column we would like to rename, and the inplace took the boolean value of True to replace the new dataframe (contaning updated column name) with the previous version.

Taking a look at the name of countries, and following the fashion of using shorter names, one can change the ”United_States_of_America ” to the ”US” and ”United_Kingdom” to the ”UK” by applying the ”loc” method on the dataframe as follows:

data.loc[data['countries']=='United_States_of_America', 'countries']='US'

data.loc[data['countries']=='United_Kingdom', 'countries']='UK'

basically by typing the above code, we tell the Python’s interpreter to locate the ”countries” columns of dataframe and if the value (rows) is equal to ‘United_States_of_America’ then change it to the ‘US’.

As the next step, it seems beneficial to add a column to the above dataframe outlining the death rate by dividing total numbers of deaths by the total numbers of cases. Thereby, if we apply the groupby method again similar to the way it is done before and assign a new variable (dataframe) we see the below image. Note that the second attribution of groupby method is to have the countries name as a seperate column and not as the index of the new dataframe.

df = data.groupby('countries',as_index=False).sum().sort_values(by='deaths',ascending=False)

As you can see, the index of newly-defined dataframe ”df” belongs to that of old one ”data” and to reset it we just need to apply ”reset_index” method with an attributation to drop the old index as follows:


Note that without ”drop=True” attribution, the method keeps the old index as a seperate column which is not desirable in this case.

In order to add a new column named ”death-rate %” to the current dataframe the following needs to be implemented:

 df['death-rate %'] = (df['deaths'] / df['cases']) * 100
Since we are only interested in corresponding data of first ten countries in terms of numbers of deaths then we update the dataframe as follows:

Using pyplot class of matplotlib library enables us to plot the above data in the form of bar charts where the horizontal axis specifies the country names and the vertical denotes numbers of cases, numbers of deaths, and death-rate percentage respetively.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig, axe = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(20,5)) # adding three subplots in one row and three columns (1,3) in a figure with the size of 20*5
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2) # adjusting the horizontal space between subplots
colour = ['r','g','c'] # making a colour list to assign to the subplots
label = ['Infected Cases','Deaths','Death Rate Percentage'] # making label for the corresponding subplots 

for i in range(3):
    axe[i].bar(df.index,df.iloc[:,i+1], width=0.3, color=colour[i],edgecolor='k') # drawing a bar chart on each subplots. The index of dataframe (df.index) denotes the countries' name and df.iloc[:,i+1] selects the entire row for columns of 'infected cases','deaths', and 'death rate %' respectively.
    axe[i].set_xticks(list(range(10))) #assinging 10 tickmarks to the horizontal axis on each subplot
    axe[i].set_xticklabels(df['countries'], rotation=30)# assining name of countries as a lable to the tickmarks of horizontal axis
    axe[i].set_ylabel(label[i]) # assigining labels to each subplot based on the label list defined before the loop

plt.savefig('barcharts.png',dpi=600,bbox_inches='tight') # saving the figure with a tight border in the png format and dpi of 600 pixel per inch
The objective of next step is to plot the corresponding data of first ten countries on a daily bases. First we assign the name countries as list to a new variable ‘cou’:
cou = list(df['countries'])
Then we get back to the ‘data’ dataframe and exclude the information of countries in ‘cou’ out of it and assign the resultant dataframe to a new one named ‘cou_df’:
cou_df=data.loc[data['countries'].apply(lambda x: x in cou)]
then the new dataframe is grouped by ‘date’ and ‘countires’ with ‘sum’ method being applied to get the total numbers on each date for each country:
cou_df_grouped = cou_df.groupby(['dateRep','countries']).sum().unstack()

Note that the unstack() method makes the countries to appear as columns. We could also have the same arrangement by applying a pivot_table() method on the ‘cou_df’ dataframe but we stick with groupby() and unstack() methods for now.

Next step is to rearrenge the appearing order of countries (for both cases and deaths columns) from left to right in a descending manner based on the number of deaths according to the below list:

The name of columns in the ‘cou_df_grouped’ dataframe is stored in the variable ‘col’ as a list. Note that the column is multi indexed in this case:
Then, the index number of each pair e.g., (cases,italy) in the ‘col’ is assigned to ‘first_index’ list if the first element of pair is ‘cases’ and it goes to ‘second_index’ list if the first element of pair is ‘deaths’.
first_index=[] #getting the index number of columns under the subcategory of 'cases'
second_index=[] #getting the index number of columns under the subcategory of 'deaths'
for i in range(10):
    for elements in col:
            if(elements[1]==cou[i] ):
As the next step, we need to construct the subcolumns of ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ by making two lists of ‘cases_col’ and ‘deaths_col’ and create a new dataframe ‘rear_df’ (shorten for rearranged dataframe) based on it:
for i in range(10):
rear_df = cou_df_grouped[cases_col + deaths_col]

In order to be able to derive the total numbers of infected and dead cases the ‘cumsum’ method can be applied to calculate the cummulative summuation up untill each date:

rear_df_cum = rear_df.apply('cumsum')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
colour = ['r','g','b','salmon','violet','gold','silver','lime','cyan','brown']
fig, axe = plt.subplots(5,2,figsize=(25,40))
x_new = np.linspace(0, len(rear_df.index)-1, 300)
strindex_df = rear_df.index.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
for i in range(0,len(rear_df.index),10):
for j in range(2):
    for i in range(5):
            inter.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df.iloc[:,i])) 
            axe[i][j].plot(x_new,y_new[i], color='gray',label='Daily Cases')
            axe[i][j].fill_between(x_new, y1, y_new[i], where=y_new[i]>=y1, facecolor=colour[i], interpolate=True, alpha=0.2)
            axe[i][j].set_ylabel('Infected Cases',fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].set_xticklabels(xticklabel, rotation=30)
            axe[i][j].set_title(cou[i], fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)
            inter_cum.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df_cum.iloc[:,i]))
            axe2 = axe[i][j].twinx()
            axe2.plot(x_new,y_new_cum[i],'k--',linewidth=2,label='Total Cases')
            axe2.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)


            inter.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df.iloc[:,i+5]))
            axe[i][j].plot(x_new,y_new[i+5], color='gray', label= 'Daily Cases')
            axe[i][j].fill_between(x_new, y1, y_new[i+5], where=y_new[i+5]>=y1, facecolor=colour[i+5], interpolate=True, alpha=0.2)
            axe[i][j].set_ylabel('Infected Cases',fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].set_xticklabels(xticklabel, rotation=30)
            axe[i][j].set_title(cou[i+5], fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)
            inter_cum.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df_cum.iloc[:,i+5]))
            axe2 = axe[i][j].twinx()
            axe2.plot(x_new,y_new_cum[i+5],'k--',linewidth=2, label='Total Cases')
            axe2.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
colour = ['r','g','b','salmon','violet','gold','silver','lime','cyan','brown']
fig, axe = plt.subplots(5,2,figsize=(25,40))
x_new = np.linspace(0, len(rear_df.index)-1, 300)
strindex_df = rear_df.index.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
for i in range(0,len(rear_df.index),10):
for j in range(2):
    for i in range(5):
            inter.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df.iloc[:,i+10])) 
            axe[i][j].plot(x_new,y_new[i], color='gray',label='Daily Cases')
            axe[i][j].fill_between(x_new, y1, y_new[i], where=y_new[i]>=y1, facecolor=colour[i], interpolate=True, alpha=0.2)
            axe[i][j].set_xticklabels(xticklabel, rotation=30)
            axe[i][j].set_title(cou[i], fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)
            inter_cum.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df_cum.iloc[:,i]))
            axe2 = axe[i][j].twinx()
            axe2.plot(x_new,y_new_cum[i],'k--',linewidth=2,label='Total Cases')
            axe2.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)


            inter.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df.iloc[:,i+15]))
            axe[i][j].plot(x_new,y_new[i+5], color='gray', label= 'Daily Cases')
            axe[i][j].fill_between(x_new, y1, y_new[i+5], where=y_new[i+5]>=y1, facecolor=colour[i+5], interpolate=True, alpha=0.2)
            axe[i][j].set_xticklabels(xticklabel, rotation=30)
            axe[i][j].set_title(cou[i+5], fontsize=20)
            axe[i][j].legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)
            inter_cum.append(make_interp_spline(list(range(len(rear_df.index))), rear_df_cum.iloc[:,i+5]))
            axe2 = axe[i][j].twinx()
            axe2.plot(x_new,y_new_cum[i+5],'k--',linewidth=2, label='Total Cases')
            axe2.legend(loc='best', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5),fontsize=15)
