Software Developer | Data Analyst | CFD Modeller | Avid Researcher

About Me

A PhD candidate in computational fluid dynamics with a strong background in mathematics and numerical computations and a growing passion in data analysis. I have demonstrated a good performance in the field of numerical simulation of fluid flow by applying numerical algorithms in the form of well-known computer languages such as Fortran, C++, and Python. In addition, working on a MSc dissertation and PhD thesis has made me a critical thinker and problem solver with strong analytic skills and keen interest in doing research.

Example Projects

Fluid flow projects simulated by lattice Boltzmann method which is considered as a powerfull and alternative tool for convetional CFD algorithms. Utilizing lattice Boltzmann method is specifically desirable for modelling two-phase flow in porous media at pore scale since it is a mesoscopic approach in essence which is in the same order of magnitude as the scale of interface between phases. Below few examples of simulated project can be found. The LB algorithm has been implemented in a C++ code using Open-MP library for multi-thread processing which is going to be available on my Git-Hub page soon. To reduce file size and loading time the output file has been generated in the XML format of Paraview.

The process of a droplet penetrating a complex porous medium simulated via the lattice Boltzmann method in 2 dimensions when the wettability of solid structure varies from hydrophilic (left) to hydrophobic (right). As an initial condition, the droplet is place tangentially on the top of the solid substrate and initialised with a vertical velocity. The no-slip boundary condition has also been applied on the solid boundaries whereas periodic condition has been established on the four corners of the computational domain.

Two-phase in a porous media with a realistic geometry at pore scale simulated by the lattice Boltzmann method. The density distribution countour has been demostrated where the red colour denotes the wetting phase, the blue specifies the non-wetting, and the dark grey shows the solid particles. The simulation is in 2D where a cross section of reconstructed image of Berea sandstone (shown on the right) is utilized as the geometry of porous medium.

Well-know benchmark of bubble-rising at three different values of Morton and Bond numbers simulated via the lattice Boltzmann method. As it is exptected, the bubble tends to keep its circular shape when the surface tension is large (small Morton and Bond numbers) whereas when the surface tension is small the bubble deforms drastically and undergoes break up.

The contour of horizontal component of velocity in LBM simulation of single-phase flow in realistic porous media where a fully-developed velocity has been applied in the inlet and open boundary condition (zero gradient) has been established in the outlet.

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